Nights for Friday 28 January 2011
7:06 Friday Night Theme
7:30 NZ Society
8 pm News and Weather
8:06 Musical Chairs
They say that Ghana is West-Africa for beginners, and although it maybe a little less tense than some of the neighbours, Ghana's music scene is one of the wildest you'll find in all of Africa. Nick D travels to the capital Accra, and learns that through the ups and downs of Ghana's history their own music has always played the most vital role in lifting the people's spirits.
8:35 Pinot Celebration
Winemaker Matthew Connell about the world-class Central Otago Pinot Noir celebration on this weekend, 27-29 January 2011.
8:50 Conundrum
The answer and the winner's chosen song.
9 pm News and Weather
9:06 Country Life
Rural news and features.
10 pm News and Weather
10:17 Late Edition
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News and Weather
11:06 Gore Gold Guiltar Festival
Songwriters showcase and Hands of Fame.