30 Nov 2011

Manu Korihi News for 30 November 2011

From Morning Report, 6:27 am on 30 November 2011

The new Te Tai Tonga MP, Rino Tirikatene, says now he's secured the electoral seat he wants to carry on the legacy left by his grandfather and aunt; A judge in Gisborne has dismissed charges against a police sergeant and a company director, for taking undersized shell fish under the customary fishing regulations; The head of a new environmental law research centre at Waikato University's Te Piringa Faculty of Law, says one of the major areas of focus will be Maori and indigenous governance; An organiser of the Nga Kupu Ora Maori Book Awards, says it has inspired Maori authors to publish more material in te reo increasing the amount of literature available to sophisticated readers.