Labour Party MP Gaurav Sharma speaks out again
Embattled Labour Party MP Gaurav Sharma is likely to be expelled from the Party's caucus after he again spoke out about his party. A spokesperson for the Labour leader says the caucus will meet again on Tuesday to consider a motion to expel Dr Sharma from caucus. This after Dr Sharma appeared on Newshub on Thursday night detailing further allegations against the Party. Dr Sharma has since told Morning Report that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern repeatedly lied about Labour's process for suspending him from caucus. He says he has a 55-minute recording of a senior MP telling him about a secret caucus meeting on Monday night, in which Ms Ardern had quote, "already made up her mind" that he would be suspended from caucus. Ms Ardern rejects that. Dr Sharma told Corin Dann that other MPs, like the senior colleague he secretly recorded, won't speak up publicly because of an "environment of fear the Prime Minister has created.