Police Commissioner Andrew Coster has told parliament protesters clogging Wellington's street to move their vehicles or police will, but he is having trouble getting tow truck companies to help.
Cars have been blocking the roads near Parliament since the protesters arrived, and on day nine of the occupation there is no sign they are going anywhere.
Police have offered space for the vehicles at Sky Stadium. So far, few protesters have taken up the offer.
A tow truck operator says the real reason the Police have had difficulties getting towies to move vehicles in Wellington is because many of them are sympathetic to the protestors' cause.
Greg Cox, who owns Wellington's Cox Heavy Salvage, says he's been contacted twice by police, and he's told them his vehicles aren't available.
Coster told Morning Report police had found some tow truck companies were unable to help, for a variety of reasons, but some had come on board.
"We do have some other tow capability available to us, and we will be using that. We continue to explore our options there and expect to get more capability on board."
He said he expects some towing to start on Wednesday, and it won't be simple for protesters to get them back.
"That will probably ultimately be up to a court. But in the meantime, we will be holding them and that's the message to protesters who are parked illegally.
"Move your car to the stadium and we'll have no further interest in it, leave it where it is, and we will take it and we won't be giving it back anytime soon."
Morning Report invited protest organisers on to tell us when they're going to move the cars but were told they're not yet ready to comment.
They have released a statement - issued on behalf of half a dozen groups including Voices for Freedom.
It says they have been working with police on traffic management and are mindful of public safety and minimising disruption to those living and working in Wellington.