Epidemiologist Michael Baker says the protest at Parliament has all the ingredients to become a superspreader event.
The protest, which is on the grounds of Parliament and surrounding streets, has entered its third day.
It focuses mostly on the Covid-19 vaccine mandate and protesters opposition to it.
Baker told Morning Report the event may be outdoors, but there is still plenty of opportunity for transmission with associated indoor gatherings and singing and shouting creating extra aerosols.
On top of that, those gathering are less likely to have existing protection.
"These groups, almost by definition, have low vaccine coverage, low mask use, and they're probably less likely to present for testing and self-isolate if they're sick. So, all of those are really increasing the risks for this event."
He said after two days the point had certainly been made and any decision about whether to break the protest up would be a complex one, but it is currently presenting a risk.
"It's a risk to the people attending, it's a risk to people who might inadvertently wind up mixing with these people at local venues, and so on. I think that is a real problem for our control of this pandemic in Wellington at the moment."