28 Jun 2021

Plastics NZ surprised government not harsher on PVC packaging

From Morning Report, 6:52 am on 28 June 2021

Plastics NZ says it's surprised the government hasn't been harsher on PVC packaging, in its plan to rid the country of hard-to-recycle plastics.

But it says it's relieved the government has listened to its messages about expanded polystyrene products - and only outlawed it in food and beverage packaging.

The plastics phase-out was announced by Environment Minister David Parker yesterday.

PVC meat trays, plastic cotton buds or polystyrene takeaway containers will be gone from the country by late next year, then plastic fruit labels, straws, produce bags, cutlery and crockery by mid 2023.

All other PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging will be banned in mid 2025.

Plastics NZ chief executive Rachel Narker told reporter Katie Todd plastic shouldn't end up in landfills, because it's a valuable product that can be reused.