30 Apr 2021

Ex-Exclusive Brethren member shares story of ousting

From Morning Report, 8:27 am on 30 April 2021

A woman who was excommunicated by the Exclusive Brethren Church when she was 20 likens it to becoming a refugee in her own country.

Lindy Jacomb, who grew up in South Auckland, was cut off by her entire family 13 years ago.

As she told reporter Ruth Hill, her crime was to ask questions of the cult-like organisation, which now calls itself the Plymouth Brethren.

In a written response to questions by RNZ, a Brethren spokesperson says: "Just like any church, we are sad if someone leaves us, but wish them all of the best in their lives, and of course, hope that one day they will change their mind.

"We strive to live a community-minded life, following the teachings of the Holy Bible and centred around values of care, charity and compassion."