30 Mar 2021

Mechanic writes to Transport Minister on certification trouble

From Morning Report, 7:52 am on 30 March 2021

An Auckland mechanic has written to the Transport Minister warning that truckers are in revolt against an unsafe and unfair Warrant of Fitness system.

This follows engineers who certify trucks as safe lodging a mass complaint against the Transport Agency.

The mechanic says truckers have told him they can't afford to get a Certificate of Fitness, the truck version of a WoF, and he has seen a trucker threaten violence against an engineer.

The mechanic helps run a medium-sized workshop.

He signed his letter but asked RNZ not to name him and to alter his voice, for commercial reasons.

He says NZTA's punitive system is making vehicle inspection stations that issue WoFs and CoFs paranoid.

When RNZ asked Waka Kotahi about the mechanic's letter, the ministry says its aim is improving public safety, that it's crucial to maintain high standards of certification and that its regulatory work is based on evidence.

It says its aware of the pressures on the heavy vehicle specialist certification industry and that it is a difficult time, and it is engaging with the industry to work on solutions to these pressures.