22 Oct 2020

Election 2020: Results take everyone by surprise, including pollsters

From Morning Report, 7:48 am on 22 October 2020

Saturday's historic election result took many people by surprise - including the pollsters.

While the final 1 News Colmar Brunton and Newshub Reid Research polls predicted a Labour victory - with 46 percent and 45.8 percent respectively, they didn't foresee the party reaching the dizzying heights of 49.1 percent.

They also over-estimated National with 1 News Colmar Brunton's last poll giving them 31 percent, and Newshub Reid Research 31.1 percent - far above the 26.8 percent actually achieved on the night.

The industry is putting the rogue numbers down to Covid-19 climate, and the unprecedented level of early voting.

Political reporter Yvette McCullough filed this report.