15 Mar 2017

At least five quake damaged buildings to be demolished at Wellington's port

From Morning Report, 8:10 am on 15 March 2017

At least five buildings at Wellington's port will be demolished because of damage sustained in November's earthquake.

Liquefaction at Wellington port's container terminal.

Photo: Supplied / CentrePort

Building owner Centreport emailed stakeholders yesterday -- notifying them that the former Rugby Union building, Shed 35, Shed 29 and the M-S-C building will come down.

Demolition work has already started at Shed 35, where the asbestos roof has been removed. The port was now working with engineers on how best to demolish the walls.

Work on pulling down the old Rugby Union building would begin on 1 April, with completion due in early May, the email said.

The timing of the other two demolitions still had to be finalised.

Assessments were continuing at Centreport's three major commercial buildings - Statistics House, the BNZ building and Customs House.

The chairman of Centreport, Lachie Johnstone, says some of the buildings are surplus to their requirements but the quake has accelerated the process.