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Morning Report for Monday 19 March 2018
Top Stories for Monday 19 March 2018
6:00 AM.Russia suggests the nerve poison used on Sergei Skripal may have come from a nearby UK research laboratory and military research facility, An eleven year old girl is hit by a train and killed on a… Read more Audio
Privacy concerns raised over youth health survey
6:14 AM.There's been an outcry over a proposal by the Ministry of Social Development to collect young people's names and other details as part of a national health survey. The ministry wanted to look into… Read more Audio
MPI accused of failing to protect hoiho penguins
6:16 AM.The Ministry for Primary Industries is being accused of setting the bar dangerously low when assessing the impact of fishing on this country's most endangered seabirds. The accusation comes from… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 19 March 2018
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Goff 'not directly involved' in stalled car imports report
6:20 AM.Auckland Mayor Phil Goff is distancing himself from efforts of senior staff on the council to stall the release of a major report. The study about the impact of moving the imported car trade away from… Read more Audio
Women's Refuge welcomes abusive man's re-sentencing
6:43 AM.Women's Refuge is praising a High Court decision to punish an Otago man who assaulted his daughter, wife and best friend, but is appalled by the District Court judge who initally let him off. The… Read more Audio
Dairy robberies: Owners 'had enough', demand govt help
6:46 AM.Hamilton diary and convenience store owners say they have had enough of aggravated robberies that are making them fearful for their lives. On Wednesday one man was attacked with a machete and on… Read more Audio
Business News for 19 March 2018
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Skripal poisoning: Chemical weapons experts arrive in UK
7:12 AM.Experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will arrive in the UK on Monday to test samples of the nerve agent used to poision a former Russian double agent and his daughter… Read more Audio
New immigration scam targets educated Indian brides
7:18 AM.Families in India are marrying their drug-addicted sons to educated young women and paying for the bride to study in countries like New Zealand as a way to get residency for the men. But rather than… Read more Audio
Early childhood suffering teacher shortage
7:22 AM.Early childhood leaders are warning of severe teacher shortages. They say some early learning centres are struggling to hire enough qualified teachers to meet minimum staffing levels. And they warn… Read more Audio
Auckland Council stalls report, blames election sensitivities
7:26 AM.Top executives at Auckland Council stalled the release of a major report for political convenience in a move that could be in breach of official information law. Email exchanges within the council… Read more Audio
11yo girl killed on Ngaruawahia train bridge
7:34 AM.KiwiRail says it's tragic that a young girl has died after being hit by one of its trains. A freight train travelling from Hamilton to Auckland struck the 11-year-old on a railway bridge in… Read more Audio
National apologises for collecting people's email addresses
7:39 AM.The National Party has been forced to say sorry to potentially thousands of people who signed up to local petitions, then got emails asking for money. RNZ political reporter Mei Heron explains. Audio
National donations email 'a cock-up' - Simon Bridges
7:40 AM.National says it will use extra question-time in Parliament to focus attention on topics of most interest to the public. The Greens announced yesterday they will give up most of their allocated time… Read more Audio
'Patsy questions are a waste of time' - James Shaw
7:48 AM.Let's talk more about the Green's decision to give up most of their allocation of parliamentary questions to the National Party. Their co-leader James Shaw says patsy questions asked by a government's… Read more Audio
If Trump fires Mueller, it's 'beginning of the end'
7:54 AM.The revolving door in Washington has spun again, depositing the deputy director of the FBI on the pavement, less than two days shy of his retirement. In a blistering statement Andrew McCabe claimed he… Read more Audio
Angry shopkeepers vent frustration over aggravated robberies
8:10 AM.Angry dairy and convenience store owners in Hamilton are demanding that the Government fund cigarette vending machines in shops to help discourage robberies. Local dairy owners are fearing for their… Read more Audio
Ministry backs away from ID-harvesting in youth survey
8:14 AM.The Ministry of Social Development is backing away from a proposal to collect young people's names and other details as part of a national health survey. The ministry's plan to collect identifying… Read more Audio
Ngaruawahia bridge fatality 'an accident waiting to happen'
8:18 AM.An 11-year-old girl has died after being hit by a train on a Ngaruawahia bridge. The freight train, travelling from Hamilton to Auckland struck the 11-year-old on the bridge at about 6pm on Sunday… Read more Audio
Ngaruawahia bridge fatality 'many years in the making' - KiwiRail CEO
8:23 AM.An 11-year-old girl has been killed when she was hit by a freight train as she played on a bridge in the Waikato town of Ngaruawahia. The rail bridge is a popular place for young people to play, and… Read more Audio
Russia election: Putin wins with more than 70% of vote
8:26 AM.Polls in Russia have officially closed. Over 100 million people, across eleven time zones, were eligible to cast their ballots for eight candidates - although Vladimir Putin is widely expected to be… Read more Audio
2018 Auckland Arts Festival, weekend reviewed
8:28 AM.RNZ's Justin Gregory continues his reviews of highlights from the 2018 Auckland Arts Festival Audio
Markets Update for 19 March 2018
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Trade on agenda for Indonesian president's first NZ visit
8:41 AM.Trade will be the main topic on the agenda during Indonesian President Joko Widodo's first visit to New Zealand on Monday. Tension on the trade-front has lessened between the two countries in recent… Read more Audio
MPI under fire over seabirds killed by fishing
8:45 AM.The Ministry for Primary Industries is under attack over a lack of progress on reducing seabird deaths. Its critics say estimated captures of seabirds by fishing have fallen, but only because there… Read more Audio
Gold-winning paralympian Adam Hall may hang up skis
8:50 AM.New Zealand's gold-medal-winning paralympian Adam Hall says he can't commit to another Paralympics yet, because of the tremendous physical and emotional strain training brings. Hall, who's 30, has… Read more Audio
Māori narratives used to heal mentally ill
8:55 AM.A health clinic in Gisborne is using Maori myths and legends to heal their mentally-ill patients and researchers say there's been a dramatic drop in the number of people referred to psychiatric care… Read more Audio