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Morning Report for Tuesday 31 May 2016
Debut of brand new Top Gear described as a flop
8:57 AM.The revamped BBC motoring show Top Gear has been relaunched without Jeremy Clarkson - and without an awful lot of its regular viewers. While many fans of the old show took to social media to criticise… Read more Audio
Collection of Pacific treasures to be displayed in Auckland
8:52 AM.One of the world's largest collections of historic Pacific treasures will be displayed in a new project launched by the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Audio
Air NZ never gave the route a chance, say Whanganui's leaders
8:48 AM.Whanganui's leaders say Air New Zealand never gave the town the chance to build capacity on the route to Auckland. The national carrier yesterday announced it will kill its loss-making 50-seat flights… Read more Audio
Fish and Game wade into trout debate
8:44 AM.Fish and Game says the current trout poaching debate is selective and ignores the fact that trout are not covered by customary rights. Yesterday, we covered the story of two men who were sent to… Read more Audio
DHBs next in line for fluoridation challenge
8:40 AM.Extending water fluoridation to an extra one and a half million New Zealanders could save more than 600 million dollars over two decades. That's among the advice given to the Government before its… Read more Audio
Company works to resolve safety issues after helicopter crash
8:35 AM.The company behind a helicopter crash on Fox Glacier last year that killed seven people says it's working to resolve safety concerns. The Civil Aviation Authority yesterday suspended the licence of… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 31 May 2016
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
More tolerance called for in New Zealand sport
8:29 AM.The captain of a gay rugby team says New Zealand sport still has some big hurdles to jump if it wants to be more inclusive. The country's largest sports codes are banding together in an effort to make… Read more Audio
Children's Commissioner reflects on 5 years in the job.
8:20 AM.Dr Russell Wills' five year stint as Children's Commissioner is about to come to an end. The pediatrician made the issue of child poverty a priority during his tenure. Audio
Overhaul of disability services in Australia
8:18 AM.New Zealanders in Australia fear they are about to fall foul of a huge overhaul of disability services. One mother in Melbourne has gone so far as to seek damages, alleging discrimination by state… Read more Audio
Plain packaging for tobacco products to be introduced
8:12 AM.The Government is poised to introduce plain packaging legislation for tobacco products. The Associate Health Minister Sam Lotu-Iiga is expected to announce the move this morning. Audio
Sports News for 31 May 2016
8:07 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Steven Adams to face crucial decider in NBA playoffs
7:58 AM.Rising NBA star Steven Adams will play the most crucial game of his career when the Oklahoma City Thunder take on defending champions, the Golden State Warriors later today. Audio
New Zealand spending millions to setup embassy in Colombia
7:55 AM.It's emerged New Zealand is spending millions setting up and running an embassy in Colombia - a country which is only a minor trading partner. The Foreign Minister, Murray McCully, says with a booming… Read more Audio
Expert questions killing of gorilla at Cincinatti Zoo
7:51 AM.An animal behaviour expert is questioning why a popular zoo in the United States shot and killed a gorilla after a four-year-old boy fell into the enclosure. Cincinatti Zoo says it did everything… Read more Audio
Social workers go to marae for help
7:46 AM.A south Auckland marae that opened its doors to the homeless has not only been inundated by those desperate for a bed, but also social services who want help with their clients. Audio
Proposal to extend HPV vaccine to boys 'will save lives'
7:43 AM.Doctors say Pharmac's proposal to extend an anti-cancer vaccine to boys will save lives. The drug buying agency wants to offer boys the human papillomavirus vaccine, known as Gardasil, and say it is… Read more Audio
Labour's solution to the Auckland housing crisis
7:38 AM.As we've heard over the last few days, the government is basically blaming the Auckland Council for the housing crisis, and says it will turn up the pressure this week with the release of a National… Read more Audio
Law firm Cone Marshall linked to disgraced Brazilian politician
7:29 AM.The New Zealand law firm Cone Marshall has been involved with yet another case that's been revealed by the Panama Papers - this time its a disgraced prominent Brazilian politician. Audio
New Zealand photographer snatched by croc in Queensland
7:20 AM.The search for a New Zealand woman who was attacked by a crocodile in Australia will continue today. Cindy Waldron, a 46-year-old photographer who was based in New South Wales, was snatched while… Read more Audio
Plain packaging for cigarettes to be unveiled
7:15 AM.Plain packaging for cigarettes is set to be unveiled today but one key coalition partner says the government is on the wrong track with its moves on tobacco control. Instead of increasing tax on… Read more Audio
Error means tens of thousands of beneficiaries underpaid
7:11 AM.Tens of thousands of beneficiaries have been severely underpaid, or overpaid, in a bureaucratic debacle stretching back more than 20 years, because of an automatic payment error at the Ministry of… Read more Audio
Sports News for 31 May 2016
7:07 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Morning markets
6:59 AM.Wall Street closed for a public holiday ... as has been London, consequently markets have been quiet but positive in Asia yesterday and in Europe overnight. Audio
From a drinking passion to a business
6:55 AM.What started as a passion for a quality drink has turned into a new business venture. Chris Reid and his brother are big gin fans and while trying a few overseas in 2013, realised there wasn't a big… Read more Audio
Moa Group cuts full-year losses on improving sales
6:54 AM.The craft beer brewer, Moa Group, has reported a smaller full year loss on higher sales, and is not looking for a tie up with any of the brewing big boys. Audio
Stride Property's big plans to grow
6:53 AM.The commercial office, retail and industrial properties, Stride Property, is making plans to substantially expand its business, once it splits the company in two. Audio
Questions raised about Tiwai Point future
6:50 AM.An electricity analyst says the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter in Southland still faces big hurdles that leaves its future up in the air. Audio
Internal Trump University documents to be released this week
6:46 AM.A judge overseeing the lawsuit over the failed Trump University has ordered internal documents from the alleged scam be made public this week. The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has… Read more Audio
Air New Zealand to cut flights between Whanganui and Auckland
6:43 AM.Air New Zealand will cut all flights between Whanganui and Auckland, and Blenheim and Christchurch, at the end of July. It is just the latest in a series of cutbacks to regional services, which began… Read more Audio
Tens of thousands of beneficiaries underpaid by millions
6:40 AM.Almost 90-thousand beneficiaries have been paid incorrectly, totalling millions of dollars, because of an automatic payment mistake at the Ministry of Social Development. Audio
Confusion over barring of West Papuan to enter PNG
6:23 AM.There's disquiet within Melanesia over denial of entry to Papua New Guinea for a West Papuan leader. PNG is this week hosting a summit of the European Union's African, Carribean and Pacific Group. Audio
Early Business News for 31 May 2016
6:19 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Panama Papers: Kazakhstan has a history of corruption cases
6:12 AM.Yesterday on Morning Report, we revealed the link in the Panama Papers between an exiled Kazakhstan prime minister and a New Zealand-based company helping his family hide their assets. Audio
Sports News for 31 May 2016
6:08 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 31 May 2016
6:00 AM.Error means tens of thousands of beneficiaries underpaid. Plain packaging for cigarettes to be unveiled. New Zealand photographer snatched by croc in Queensland. Law firm Cone Marshall linked to… Read more Audio