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Morning Report for Sunday 8 September 2013
Kerry-Anne Walsh
11:56 AM.Australian correspondent Kerry-Anne Walsh predicted a Liberal Coalition victory on Morning Report on Friday. She has the final word in today's Australian Election Special. Audio
John Hewson
11:50 AM.John Hewson was federal leader of the Liberal Party of Australia from 1990 to 1994. He lost 1993 federal election to Paul Keating. Tony Abbott was his press secretary. He comments on Abbot's election… Read more Audio
Australian lobbyists discuss Coalition's sweeping victory
11:43 AM.Grahame Morris, a lobbyist and former chief of staff to John Howard and Simon Banks who has worked on five federal election campaigns for Labor and was Kevin Rudd's chief of staff discuss the election… Read more Audio
John Key
11:40 AM.Australia is our closest neighbour and our biggest trading partner. Prime Minister John Key on what the election means for New Zealand. Audio
Brent Edwards
11:35 AM.RNZ Political Editor Brent Edwards provides his analysis of the election result. Audio
Liberal figures celebrate victory
11:30 AM.Leading Liberal figures Julie Bishop, John Howard and Arthur Sinodinos look to the future. Audio
Graham Richardson
11:24 AM.Former Labor power broker and numbers man gives his perspective. Audio
Labor reacts to defeat
11:19 AM.Kevin Rudd and former Premier Bob Hawke react to the election defeat. Audio
Amanda Vanstone
11:12 AM.Amanda Vanstone is a political commentator and was a minister in the Howard government. She gives her perspective on the election result. Audio
Abbott greets his supporters
11:07 AM.The Liberal Coalition won a resounding victory last night.The first word goes to the new Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - a man written off so many times as unelectable but a man who last night… Read more Audio