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Morning Report for Wednesday 8 May 2013
Local series 'Harry' premieres tonight
8:57 AM.A new locally produced television series, 'Harry', premiering tonight marks a change in direction for New Zealand writer and actor Oscar Kightley. Audio
Shortage of homes blamed for high house price expectations
8:52 AM.House price expectations have reached a record high, with a shortage of homes being blamed for the surge. Audio
Funding for improving student behaviour in classrooms
8:50 AM.The education minister, Hekia Parata, has just announced that the government is pledging more money for education. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 8 May 2013
8:48 AM.The Labour Party MP, Shane Jones, sung a waiata in Parliament yesterday as part of a tribute to his late colleague, Parakura Horomia; An organisation dedicated to developing the skills of Maori… Read more Audio
PM says opposition has misled with invalid signatures
8:43 AM.The Prime Minister, is accusing Labour and the Greens of rorting the system by presenting an asset sales petition to Parliament with thousands of invalid signatures. Audio
Law change signalled to flag criminal backgrounds
8:40 AM.The Justice Minister Judith Collins says spouses and partners should have the right to know their partner's criminal history. Audio
Sports News for 8 May 2013
8:35 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Markets Update for 8 May 2013
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
'Dying city' jibe stirs capiltal to life
8:27 AM.Prime Minister John Key's branding of Wellington as a "dying city" has drawn flak from the capital city's leaders, employers and workers, even though he's since toned down his comment to talking about… Read more Audio
Principals sceptical over longterm retention of Novopay
8:22 AM.The Government is sticking with the Australian teacher payroll system provider, Novopay but many teachers and principals struggling to cope with staff being paid the wrong amounts are not convinced. Audio
Major meeting today for Kim Dotcom extradition head
8:17 AM.The man leading the charge for Kim Dotcom's extradition US Attorney-General Eric Holder heads into a major meeting in Auckland today with his counterparts from New Zealand, Australia, the UK and… Read more Audio
Reports missing women got pregnant while held captive
8:14 AM.There have been reports that three women who were held captive for a decade in a Cleveland house became pregnant multiple times. Audio
Labour says Solid Energy should not be allowed to tip over
8:07 AM.The Finance Minister, Bill English, says failing State-owned companies cannot expect to be propped up and is questioning the viability of financially troubled Solid Energy. Audio
Search and rescue awards for 2012 heroics
7:57 AM.Search and rescue operators have been honoured for their heroic efforts in 2012. Audio
Wage growth slides despite economic improvements
7:52 AM.Wage growth is sliding despite signs the economy is improving and unions are calling on businesses to boost pay. Audio
UN peacekeepers captured in Syria
7:47 AM.Four United Nations peacekeepers have been detained by rebels in Syria. Audio
Sports News for 8 May 2013
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
More cash problems for Tiwai Point Smelter
7:41 AM.Struggling Southland smelter, Tiwai Point, faces more money worries after losing an Employment Relation Authority dispute, which it says could cost it millions of dollars. Audio
Govt sticking with Novopay, says Minister
7:38 AM.The Government's point man on sorting out the bugs in the national school payroll system - the Minister Responsible for Novopay, Steven Joyce - has decided to stick with it for the time being. Audio
Dotcom goes on PR offensive against the US Attorney General
7:27 AM.The internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom is going on the offensive against efforts to have him extradited to the United States. Audio
MRP share price will be known tonight
7:23 AM.And as we heard in that report the price that investors will pay for shares in Mighty River Power will be known tonight, with trading to begin on Friday. Audio
PM says opposition has mislead the public
7:22 AM.The Prime Minister, John Key, says the opposition has misled the public by presenting a petition to Parliment with more than a hundred thousand invalid signatures on it. Audio
American women freed after decade long ordeal
7:13 AM.Police have praised the bravery of three women found alive in a Cleveland house, a decade after they disappeared in separate incidents. Audio
English questions future viability of Solid Energy
7:07 AM.The Finance Minister, Bill English, has questioned the future viability of Solid Energy as he considers a host of State-owned companies facing financial troubles. Audio
Morning Business News for 8 May 2013
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
English says SOEs can't expect to be propped up
6:35 AM.The Finance Minister, Bill English, says failing State-owned companies cannot expect to be propped up and is questioning the future viability of financially troubled Solid Energy. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 8 May 2013
6:27 AM.Members of Parekura Horomia's family looked on as politicians sung waiata and told stories about him in Parliament yesterday; An organisation dedicated to developing the skills of Maori healthworkers… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 8 May 2013
6:23 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 8 May 2013
6:22 AM.latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Awards honour volunteers' search and rescue efforts
6:17 AM.Search and rescue's finest have been honoured in Wellington for their heroic efforts last year. Audio
Labour denies PM's claim that petition misled Kiwis
6:15 AM.The Labour Party is rejecting claims the Greens tried to con the public by presenting a petition to parliament with a hundred thousand invalid signatures on it. Audio
Cash strapped Tiwai Smelter looses ERA dispute
6:10 AM.The acting General Manager of New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Limited, which owns Tiwai Point, says an employment authority decision against it will have a lasting financial effect on the Southland… Read more Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 8 May 2013
6:00 AM.English questions future viability of Solid Energy among troubled SOEs;American women freed after decade long ordeal;PM says opposition has mislead the public;MRP share price will be known… Read more Audio