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Morning Report for Wednesday 4 July 2012
Baby seal washes up in Auckland office
8:57 AM.The deluge of rain which brought flash flooding to Auckland yesterday also brought a marine visitor to an Auckland office. Audio
Beloved actor of the sixties, Andy Griffith, dies
8:55 AM.Remember Opey, Barney Fife, Aunt Bee and its star, actor Andy Griffith, whose portrayal of a small town sheriff made "The Andy Griffith Show" one of televisions most enduring programmes, has died at… Read more Audio
God particle announcement expected tonight
8:51 AM.This week has been dubbed the most exciting in the history of physics - and it's all thanks to the so called god particle. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 4 July 2012
8:48 AM.A research project on news coverage about Maori, has found that tangata whenua are still regarded as lower class citizens; Ngai Tahu iwi says it's learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes, just how… Read more Audio
Lawyer says new rate in Kaipara is illegal
8:43 AM.The lawyer who blew the whistle on illegal rating by the Kaipara District Council says there's a lot more at stake than a few million dollars. Audio
Officials meet alcohol sector to discuss minimum pricing
8:39 AM.Government officials meet alcohol industry representatives this week to discuss a minimum price for alcohol, despite the Prime Minister rejecting the idea. Audio
Sports News for 4 July 2012
8:36 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Large earthquake off Opunake rattles North Island
8:27 AM.A large part of the country was shaken by a major earthquake late last night. Audio
Blue Star bondholders unlikely to recover money
8:24 AM.Bondholders in the struggling Blue Star group look unlikely to recover their money even though the printing company is considering a takeover bid. Audio
Auckland Council commits $230m to buy properties for tunnel
8:20 AM.The Auckland Council has committed 230 million dollars to buy properties along the route of its proposed downtown rail tunnel, despite funding for the project not yet being secured. Audio
Familes under pressure managing modern farms
8:15 AM.The Scott Guy murder trial has highlighted problems that can confront modern farming families as they share demanding workloads, and eventually look to pass on highly valuable assets to the next… Read more Audio
Scott Guy case: Where to from here?
8:10 AM.The high profile murder case of Feilding farmer Scott Guy has gripped the country for nearly two years but after a NOT guilty verdict, his family and the rest of the country are still left wondering… Read more Audio
Magic through to semifinals
7:57 AM.The Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic are though to the ANZ Championship netball semi-finals for the fifth year running after defeating the reigning champions the Queensland Firebirds by 10 goals. Audio
Christchurch whitezone residents forced to wait for decision
7:54 AM.Owners of white-zoned property on the Port Hills in Christchurch who don't know whether they will be able to return to their land say they are sick of waiting and just want to get out. Audio
NIWA maps Otago seabed for oil and gas developments
7:50 AM.A Government research boat has begun mapping the seabed off Otago's coast to encourage oil and gas exploration. Audio
Family Court judge fires warning shot against cost-cutting
7:47 AM.Just weeks before a Government inquiry into the Family Court is released, the Principal Family Court Judge has fired a warning shot against any cutbacks to the supervision of violent parents. Audio
Sports News for 4 July 2012
7:44 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Aorangi Securities investors could face significant losses
7:39 AM.Investors in the failed finance company, Aorangi Securities, have been told they are likely to lose a significant amount of money if a court battle over the company's assets is lost. Audio
Rate scandal claims another scalp as Barclays CEO quits
7:36 AM.The scandal over interest rate rigging has claimed another scalp in Britain. Audio
Two-day hearing to decide what will happen to Dotcom evidence
7:26 AM.A two-day hearing to decide what should be done with evidence seized from Kim Dotcom's house begins at the High Court in Auckland this morning. Audio
Auckland businesses unfazed by downtown rail tunnel plans
7:23 AM.A planned downtown rail tunnel in Auckland is likely to disrupt hundreds of businesses in the central city. Audio
No reports of damage from Taranaki quake
7:20 AM.A large part of the country was shaken by a major earthquake late last night. Audio
Feilding locals not surprised by not guilty verdict
7:17 AM.Many people in the small rural town of Feilding say they're not surprised by the Scott Guy murder trial verdict, believing the Police evidence wasn't strong enough. Audio
Ewan McDonald may face jail sentence
7:10 AM.The man the Crown accused of murdering Feilding farmer, Scott Guy, has been acquitted, but he is not yet a free man. Audio
Morning Business for 4 July 2012
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Guy family say they're now left wondering who killed Scott Guy
6:36 AM.The family of slain Feilding farmer Scott Guy say they are now left wondering who is responsible for the death of their son, husband and brother. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 4 July 2012
6:27 AM.A research project on news coverage about Maori, has found that tangata whenua are still regarded as lower class citizens; Ngai Tahu iwi says it's learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes, just how… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 4 July 2012
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 4 July 2012
6:18 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Judge warns against Family Court cutbacks
6:13 AM.Just weeks before a Government inquiry into the Family Court is released, the Principal Family Court Judge is calling for no cutbacks to the supervision of violent parents. Audio
Barclays chief executive resigns
6:11 AM.The chief executive of Barclays Bank Bob Diamond has resigned, just days after the bank was fined a record 450 million dollars for interest rate fixing. Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 4 July 2012
6:00 AM.McDonald may face jail sentence, Fielding locals not surprised by not guilty verdict, No reports of damage from Taranaki quake, Auckland businesses unfazed by downtown rail tunnel plans, Two-day… Read more Audio