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Morning Report for Wednesday 23 November 2011
Partial solar eclipse for election eve
8:55 AM.Political candidates anxiously awaiting the results of Saturday's elections might find their destiny rests not with voters, but in the heavens. Audio
Brooklands residents get right of reply to Cera decision
8:52 AM.About one hundred residents from the Christchurch suburb of Brooklands had a chance last night to tell the Government what they thought about the decision to include their area in the city's redzone. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 23 November 2011
8:48 AM.Te Tai Tonga is - geographically - the largest of the seven Maori electorates - and it's the one seat where there could be an upset in the election; The Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence has… Read more Audio
Speed campaigner not deterred by report knockback
8:43 AM.An anti-speed campaigner says the Transport Ministry's refusal to impose lower speed limits outside schools is out of step with the Government's current road safety strategy. Audio
Labour Party determined to win back Waitakere seat
8:39 AM.The West Auckland seat of Waikatere is shaping up to be another tight contest between National and Labour on Saturday. Audio
Sports News for 23 November 2011
8:34 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Markets Update for 23 November 2011
8:29 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Tolley promises meeting on Moerewa School
8:25 AM.The Minister of Education has promised to meet Moerewa people, who're up in arms over the axing of a programme that's turned Maori students into achievers. Audio
Miner who feared for his life at Pike outlines problems
8:22 AM.A Japanese miner who quit Pike River after three months because he feared for his life, has outlined a series of safety problems at Pike River Mine. Audio
Minor minor parties still get message to voters
8:17 AM.You may feel that two major parties and six minor parties is more than enough choice at this election. Audio
Greens accuse National of having no plan to alleviate poverty
8:14 AM.The Green Party is accusing the National Party of having no plan to lift people out of poverty by getting them off benefits and into jobs. Audio
Politicians urged to stop scoring points over emigration
8:09 AM.The National Party finance spokesperson, Bill English, says it will take time to stem the flow of New Zealanders to Australia. Audio
National urged to disclose stance on GM labelling
7:57 AM.The National Party is under pressure to say whether it would agree to relax rules on genetically modified food as part of an international trade deal. Audio
Thousands clash with police in Bahrain
7:55 AM.In Bahrain, more than 3000 protestors have clashed with the police in Sitra, near the capital, Manama. Audio
Tens of thousands flood Tahrir Square
7:52 AM.Egypt's ruling military council has tried to contain mass protests by agreeing to form a national salvation government and elect a president by July next year. Audio
High Court judge to release 'tea-tape' decision today
7:48 AM.A High Court judge in Auckland who has been asked to decide if a conversation between John Key and John Banks was public will issue her decision today. Audio
Sports News for 23 November 2011
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Economists argue over sale of state assets
7:37 AM.The sale of state assets has been one of the most heated issues of the election campaign. We're joined by the Auckland University professor of economics, Tim Hazledine and a Senior Lecturer in… Read more Audio
Thames residents find out more about arsenic discovery
7:29 AM.People in a Thames suburb where high levels of arsenic have been found have been told to not eat vegetables from their gardens. Audio
Horowhenua library astonished US firm can trademark 'koha'
7:25 AM.A Horowhenua library which invented a computer software program called Koha says it is gobsmacked that a United States firm has been able to trademark the brand. Audio
Masked protesters invade campaign meeting in Christchurch
7:23 AM.A dozen masked protesters disrupted a campaign meeting in Christchurch last night. Audio
Banks confident as Epsom candidates meetings end
7:17 AM.The Act Party's John Banks insists the pollsters have got it wrong and that he can win the Epsom electorate, saving his party from oblivion. Audio
Labour's finance spokesman discusses emigration stats
7:14 AM.The Labour Party's finance spokesman, David Cunliffe, has been listening to that and joins us now. Audio
National defends record on trans-Tasman exodus
7:08 AM.The numbers leaving permanently for Australia have hit a record high - but the National Party is denying that equates to a blotted copy book. Audio
Morning Business for 23 November 2011
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
132,000 stop sign violations detected by police
6:39 AM.Police figures show more than 130-thousand tickets have been issued for stop sign violations since 2006. Audio
New Zealand exodus blamed on National's performance
6:35 AM.A record-high exodus of people heading for Australia is being described by Labour as an end-of-term report card on the National Party that would make people weep. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 23 November 2011
6:27 AM.The MP for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene, is adamant she'll retain her seat in the election; The Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence has launched three initiatives, as part of a long term project to… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 23 November 2011
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 23 November 2011
6:18 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Young Southlander has no regrets about moving to Australia
6:10 AM.A record-high exodus of people heading for Australia is being described by Labour as an end-of-term report card on the National Party that would make people weep. Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 23 November 2011
6:00 AM.National defends record on trans-Tasman exodus, Labour's finance spokesman discusses emigration stats, Banks confident as Epsom candidates meetings end, Masked protesters invade campaign meeting in… Read more Audio