6 Mar 2023

Throwing money at families won't fix fundamental problems in early childcare

From Midday Report, 12:15 pm on 6 March 2023

The Kindergartens Association says throwing more money at families to spend on early childcare is fundamentally flawed, and will not improve teaching quality or stem high staff turnover and shortages.

The National Party's proposing a fee rebate of up to $75 a week - on top of existing subsidies - for families earning up to $180,000 a year 

The sector - which includes some for-profit providers - already gets around $2.3 billion dollars in public money each year.

And would get an extra $250 million under National's policy.

Kindergartens New Zealand's chief executive Jill Bond told Charlotte Cook a fundamental review was needed, but neither the government or opposition parties have listened to the sector's concerns.