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Midday Report for Wednesday 30 May 2018
Midday Rural News for 30 May 2018
12:34 PM.The Ministry for Primary Industries says its procedures have changed since a report in 2012 found faults with recording catch levels at the Southern Blue Whiting fishery. Audio
Midday Sports News for 30 May 2018
12:26 PM.A conflict in approach has led to Cycling New Zealand's head sprint coach Anthony Peden quitting. Audio
Business briefs
12:25 PM.The renewable energy company, Tilt Renewables, says it has an agreement with Infratil to underwrite a 300-million-Australian-dollar capital raising, if it needs to ramp up the output of its Dundonnell… Read more Audio
Midday Markets for 30 May 2018
12:24 PM.For the latest from the markets we're joined by Andrew Cathie at Craigs Investment Partners. Audio
Green Cross Health pharmacies face challenges
12:21 PM.The Green Cross Health Group has reported a profit of nearly $19-million, up nearly 11-percent as it expands its pharmacy chains, medical practices, and home care businesses. Audio
Gentrack's first half result beats expectations
12:20 PM.The airports and utilities software company, Gentrack, has had a good start to the year with strong growth in profit and revenue beating its expectations. Audio
Cigna to buy ANZ's One Path
12:19 PM.Cigna is to acquire the OnePath Life Insurance business from ANZ Bank. Audio
RBNZ financial stability report says all generally well
12:17 PM.The Reserve Bank says the cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis is an ermeging risk for banks. It says rising interest rates may catch out some heavily indebted households, while it's speaking to insurance… Read more Audio
Midday News for 30 May 2018
12:00 PM.A warning about the financial risk of Mycoplasma bovis for farmers and their banks. Local councils call for community safety to come ahead of the liquor industry. Audio