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Midday Report for Wednesday 6 July 2016
Midday Sports News for 6 July 2016
12:26 PM.The New Zealand diver Lizzie Cui says she's over the moon having at having made the Olympics four years ahead of schedule. Russia has named a track and field team for the Rio Olympics which includes… Read more Audio
Midday Markets for 6 July 2016
12:24 PM.For the latest from the markets we're joined by Belinda Stanley at Craigs Investment Partners. Audio
Jim Parker with news from Australia
12:21 PM.Signs are growing that Australia's major banks are looking to reduce their presence in the wealth management sector. Jim Parker reports. Audio
Meridian boss says power price spikes could happen again
12:19 PM.The country's biggest power company Meridian is warning there could be further hefty price spikes. Audio
Sky TV shareholders approve proposed merger with Vodafone
12:17 PM.Shareholders in Sky Television have overwhelmingly approved the proposed merger with Vodafone. Audio
Midday News for 6 July 2016
12:00 PM.Chorus is having trouble coping with the Broadband rollout, unions receive lockout notices ahead of aviation security strikes. Audio