Navigation for Midday Report
Midday Report for Tuesday 23 October 2012
Midday Rural News for 23 October 2012
12:35 PM.News from the rural and farming sectors. Audio
Midday Sports News for 23 October 2012
12:26 PM.Amid criticism for allowing what's being labelled the most sophisticated doping programme ever seen in sport, the International Cycling Union's boss says he won't be stepping down. Audio
Midday Business News for 23 October 2012
12:17 PM.New Dawn Energy launches a takeover bid for Wellington's L and M Energy. Graincorp's shares surge after a takeover offer from a US food giant and the sharemarket edges down. Audio
Midday News for 23 October 2012
12:00 PM.The High Court sets a date to hear the Maori Council's water rights claim and a review says police must improve the treatment of young people in custody. Audio