Māpuna for Saturday 7 May 2022
12:10 Sir Rob McLeod on the future shape of the Maori economy
12:35 Maori company entering one-trillion-dollar non-alcoholic drinks market
The global non-alcoholic drinks market is worth more than 1.2 trillion US dollars and three Maori boys have bold plans to be a big international player. Joe Harawira, Wayne Atkins and Lance Paora were at a New Year's Eve barbecue in 2019 when the idea to launch their own drinks company started brewing in their minds. The result was the non-alcoholic drink Wai Manuka which hit the local market in 2020 and is now about to be launched on the international stage.
12:45 Kei te pai press
The matarau or multi pronged spear is the name given to an exhibition that's just opened at Te Whare Toi, the City Gallery in Wellington. Matarau is a group exhibition featuring work by artists such as Robyn Kahukiwa and Emily Karaka but also a publishing initiative called Ke te pai press. One of its founders is Hana Pera Aoake. Kei te pai press is publishing Maori writers but also those form across the world.