23 Jun 2020

WHO warns world leaders as Covid19 infection rates rise

From Lately, 10:20 pm on 23 June 2020

The head of the World Health Organisation Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned leaders around the globe today that if they did not put the needs of humanity ahead of national interests they risked disaster. This warning was released with the news that one million new cases of Covid19 have been recorded globally in the last 8 days. It took over three months for the world to reach its first million cases.

Karyn is joined by international law Professor Al Gillespie form the University of Waikato to explain why the WHO are so worried about the actions of individual nations. 

Undertakers carry a coffin during the funeral proceedings for a COVID-19 coronavirus victim at a Mosque in Cape Town, on June 16, 2020. -

Photo: AFP