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Photo: RNZ

10:17 The risks and advantages of a vaccine mandate

No jab, no job. Today the government made it clear that this is the way of the future.

For the vaccine hesitant this is the news they've been dreading - but for employers around the country the new rules will give certainty about how to deal with staff won't get vaccinated.

Jennifer Mills specialises in employment and health and safety law. She is the director of Jennifer Mills & Associates and talks to us about how this impacts business owners.

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Photo: 123rf

10:30 Losing a Great Walk booking to lockdown

You may remember how difficult it is to get tickets to do any of the great walks - They sold out in about five minutes as Kiwis flocked to enjoy their own backyard.

Aucklander, Richard Wagener, his wife Jenny and their four kids booked to do the Milford Track in December.

But the chances of that happening with Auckland still in level three lockdown are getting slimmer by the day.

Before Richard cancels the booking, he's hoping to get DOC to consider a way he can hold onto his hard won booking and maybe do the tramp next year on the same dates.

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Photo: Richard Wagener

10:40 No-Pfizer Mayor offside with council after unanimous vote

The Thames Coromandel District Council voted unanimously today to support the governments vaccination program with a recommendation that all elected members and staff, whether it is mandated or not, should seriously consider being vaccinated in line with Ministry of Health's advice unless there are health reasons for an exemption.

This now puts Mayor Sandra Goudie officially at odds. She joins the show to discuss how this impacts her role.

Ballot box with person casting vote on blank voting slip

Photo: photka/123RF