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Photo: RNZ Andrew Robertson

10:20 Why We Need To Physically Disconnect for a Little While.

With new knowledge that Covid-19 is airborne, Microbiologist Associate Professor Dr Siouxsie Wiles says we need to physically disconnect for a while.  She joins us on Lately to talk about mask wearing, jogging without a mask and any other questions you've been asking today.

Siouxsie Wiles

Siouxsie Wiles Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

10:25 The wage subsidy is back: who can apply for it and how.

Employers and Manufacturers chief executive, Brett O’Riley says the process to apply for the wage subsidy has changed quite a bit since last year.

Employers can apply for it from Friday, using this link. Brett talks Karyn Hay through the process.

Employers and Manufacturers chief executive, Brett O’Riley

Photo: supplied

10:30 Covid modellers predict cluster size

We're now hearing that there are likely to be as many as 120 cases in this current Covid19 cluster. We're joined by Rodney Jones, one of several top statistical modellers who provides Covid-19 modelling information to the government.

Coronavirus research, conceptual illustration. (Photo by SERGII IAREMENKO/SCIENCE PHOTO L / SIA / Science Photo Library via AFP)


10:45 Mid-Week Mediawatch:Covid's media comeback

Mediawatch's weekly catch-up with Lately. Colin Peacock talks to Karyn Hay about the media moving back into Covid emergency mode; a business editor slapping down the 'Covid complainers'-  and a truly clueless TV game show.

Colin Peacock in the RNZ offices.

Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas