Lately for Tuesday 11 May 2021
Photo: RNZ
10:20 Migrant workers allowed in New Zealand for horticultural work in New Zealand
The Government has announced that about 2400 more migrant workers will be allowed into New Zealand for seasonal horticultural work. They will be arriving mainly from the Pacific Islands. Thousands of spaces in managed isolation and quarantine facilities will be freed up over the next 10 months, many of which will be made available for skilled and critical workers. Karyn speaks with Alan Pollard from Apples and Pears.
New Zealand Apples and Pears CEO Alan Pollard Photo: supplied
10:45 Bringing megaherb punui back to Bluff
We're going way down south for our regional segment tonight - to Bluff and to the story of the megaherb punui. It looks a bit like a Chatham Island forget me not, and grows to a height of two metres and tastes a wee bit like celery or cabbage. It grows wild on many of the Titi (tee-tee) or mutton bird islands, and Stewart Island but it's a long time since it's been seen on the mainland. That's changed with a joint project between the Bluff Hill Motupohue Environment Trust, Awarua Runanga, the Department of Conservation and Southland Community Nursery - which has been led by the trust's chairperson Estelle Leask.
Members of the Bluff Hill Motupohue Environment Trust. Estelle Leask (R) Photo: Bluff Hill Motupohue Environment Trust,