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Photo: RNZ

10.20 Explosive components spark police lockdown in Marton

The Rangitikei town of Marton was plunged into lockdown by police after explosives were taken to the local police station this afternoon. Police held cordons in place while the bomb squad travelled from Wellington to investigate and the explosive components were destroyed. Karyn speaks with Karandeep Singh who owns The Club Hotel in Marton.

The Club Hotel in Marton was inside the police cordon this afternoon after explosive components were found.

The Club Hotel in Marton was inside the police cordon this afternoon after explosive components were found. Photo: supplied

10.30 Spreading Covid-19 safety messages in multiple languages in New Zealand

Getting the Covid-19 safety messages and information out to all the communities in New Zealand includes communicating in a number of different languages. The Government has been told to roll our clearer and smarter communications around the latest Covid-19 community outbreak to make sure they're reaching into every corner and culture of the country. Karyn speaks with South Auckland based Stella Muller who's marketing agency Bright Sunday creates and delivers Covid-19 safety information in multiple languages.

Stella Muller is the creative director of Bright Sunday marketing agency in South Auckland.

Stella Muller is the creative director of Bright Sunday marketing agency in South Auckland. Photo: supplied

10.40 Midweek Mediwatch: Hayden Donnell

Mediawatch's weekly catch-up with Lately tonight and Hayden Donnell hones in on media companies and the Covid-19 wage subsidy including NZME's annual result and how it used wage subsidy, what Stuff and Mediaworks/Discovery have decided to do, and TVNZ's recent announcement to pay back the wage subsidy after it reported doubling its profit. Hayden will also look at today's select committee meeting about the RNZ and TVNZ merger.

Stuff, TVNZ, NZME buildings and Broadcasting Minister Kris Faafoi.

Photo: RNZ / Supplied