Lately for Wednesday 2 December 2020
Photo: RNZ Andrew Robertson
10:20 Climate emergency declared by NZ
On Wednesday New Zealand became the 33rd country in the world to declare a 'climate emergency' and commit to a carbon-neutral government by 2025. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern presented the motion in Parliament which included, among other things, committing to reduce emissions to avoid a more than 1.5 degree celsius rise in global warming.
Most agencies and departments will have to buy exclusively electric vehicles; at the moment the Government fleet has about 16,000 vehicles, and only about 1 per cent of those are electric. Coal Boilers will have to be phased out and all government buildings will have to meet green standards.
Photo: LDR / Gisborne Herald
10:30 Greenpeace hails the climate declaration, ACT calls it a stunt
Greenpeace NZ says today's climate declaration is a 'win for people power' but is challenging the Government to follow through quickly with policy and action to cut climate pollution.
NZ Director and Former Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman spoke to Karyn Hay about the move, and what needs to happen. He also said the ACT Party's opposition is consistent in denial of climate science and "they have a right to put their head in sand in a Trump like manner."
Meanwhile David Seymour has told Lately there are many more tangible things the government could've done to deal with climate change, like changing MP's travel policies.
10:45 Midweek Mediawatch: Real regional reality TV
Mediawatch’s weekly catch-up with Lately. This week Colin Peacock talks to Karyn Hay about a reality TV showing us real regional life. Also: another big name in newspapers confronting its racist past; a woman taking charge of a major media company for the first time; an Oranga Tamariki ‘ridealong’ report raised questions.
The young 'stars' of Taranaki Hard. Photo: supplied