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Photo: RNZ

10:20 Covid-19: An update from the UK and EU

Testing for coronvirus has intensified this morning in Ireland as the number of cases has increased across the island with a call to close all the country's pubs from last night for the next two weeks - the move considered essential ahead of their St Patrick's Day holiday.

Karyn asks UK and European correspondent Olly Barratt for an update about how people are responding to Covid-19.

A picture taken on March 14, 2020 near the Eiffel tower in Paris shows a board informing of the monument's closure as a precaution against the coronavirus.

A picture taken on March 14, 2020 near the Eiffel tower in Paris shows a board informing of the monument's closure as a precaution against the coronavirus. Photo: AFP

10:30 Millions lost in music gigs in New Zealand and Australia

A new website dedicated to measuring the impacts of COVID-19 on Australian and New Zealand live music, I Lost My Gig, reports $25 million was lost in a span of 24 hours and 84,000 jobs impacted as a direct result of cancelled events in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Peter Dickens from MusicHelps joins Karyn to speak about the impact on local musicians and the support available for them in New Zealand.

MusicHelps General Manager Peter Dickens

MusicHelps General Manager Peter Dickens Photo: supplied

10:45 I'd Like to Talk About Women Composers: Part II

Tonight is part two of Lately's five-part classical music series 'I'd Like To Talk About Women Composers' with musician George Henderson of The Puddle.

This week George introduces us to French sisters Nadia and Lili Boulanger and neo-classical composer Grazyna Bacewicz from Poland.

Lili Boulanger

Lili Boulanger Photo: Supplied