Lately for Thursday 15 August 2019
Photo: RNZ
10:20 Hong Kong poised for more protests
Hong Kong is bracing for more mass demonstrations through the weekend, with the weeks-long crisis escalating after pro-democracy protests forced the cancellation of nearly 1,000 flights this week.
China has reiterated that Hong Kong's protest resembled terrorism and more street clashes followed chaotic scenes at the airport two days ago, when protesters set upon two men they suspected of being government sympathisers.
Editor-in-Chief from the Hong Kong Free Press, Tom Grundy, joins Karyn again from Hong Kong with an update.
Protestors rally against apparent police brutality in Hong Kong. Photo Photo: May James/HKFP.
10:30 Pacific Island Forum: update from Funafuti
The Prime Minister of Tuvalu says some leaders attending the Pacific Islands Forum have raised concerns with the term 'climate change crisis' and negotiations on a communique will likely see the phrase climate change reality used instead.
Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga said the forum's agenda may be a little over ambitious, but he urged leaders to work hard to ensure talks are productive.
RNZ Pacific's journalist, Jamie Tahana, speaks from Funafuti as they wait for Pacific leaders to emerge from a closed all-day meeting and announce their Leaders Statement.
Photo: RNZ Pacific/ Jamie Tahana
10:45 The Rest is History: The Wizard of Oz
It's time to dive into the week's news, in the past. This week our resident historian Robert Kelly is taking us to the flicks, in 1939 specifically.
On the 12th of August 1939 luminaries from the film world gathered in Wisconsin for the premiere of The Wizard of Oz. It's an important moment for film history, but has also spawned competing theories of meaning which endure until today.
Wizard of Oz Photo: MGM/The Kobal Collection