24 Jul 2016

The Week In Parliament for 24 July 2016

From In Parliament, 7:30 am on 24 July 2016

Second week of the four-week adjournment sees three select committee meetings held - including the Social Services Committee's hearing of submissions on the Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill. The committee hears concerns about the bill from the Council of Trade Unions as well as the National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, who both say the legislation impedes on human rights by requiring solo mothers to identify the father of their children. Among other concerns voiced by the CTU, was the bill's entrenchment of laws requiring drug testing of some beneficiaries. On Monday the Government presented its response to the report of the Justice and Electoral Committee on its inquiry into the 2014 General Election, in which it sidesteps recommendations about election broadcasting - choosing instead to refer them to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage. Also during the week, the House hosted the 3-yearly Youth Parliament - with 138 young people from across the country attending the two day event on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tom Frewen spoke with one of the youth MPs - Timothy Rowe from Wanganui, and asked him about the experience.