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First Up for Thursday 25 November 2021
AK hairdressers mostly fully booked before Xmas
5:53 AM.Auckland hairdressers and barbers can at long last re-open today - 99 days after the city went into lockdown. They'll also be the first businesses in the country to trial the new Covid-19 vaccination… Read more Audio
Robertson:ongoing work around MIQ, isolation rules for tourists
5:43 AM.Vaccinated New Zealanders arriving into the country from overseas year will longer no be required to go through MIQ and instead can isolate at home from early next year. Covid-19 response Minister… Read more Audio
Foodstuffs to make rapid antigen testing available to staff
5:33 AM.Supermarket giant Foodstuffs says it wants to make rapid antigen tests available to staff across its stores, after it participated in a successful trial of the Covid-19 tests. While they're not as… Read more Audio
LDR Sth AK: Counties Manukau DHB dealing with dodgy buildings
5:25 AM.Middlemore Hospital is carrying a lot of Auckland's covid-19 weight at the moment, but it seems that the global pandemic isn't the only issue the Counties Manukau DHB is dealing with.. Joining Nathan… Read more Audio
Europe: Germany finally replaces Merkel with Olaf Scholz
5:09 AM.We head to Europe now, joining Nathan Rarere from the very top of the planet is our correspondent in Sweden Anita Purcell-Sjölund Audio