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First Up for Monday 16 March 2020
Best of First Up from Monday 16 March
10:00 AM.On the podcast today: a former lawyer retrains as a Master of Wine; the Government is finalising a multi-billion dollar package to tackle to economic fall out of the coronavirus; we head to Vodafone… Read more Audio
Engineering for Covid-19 antibodies done, results in April
5:52 AM.Across the world scientists are studying Covid-19 and working hard to develop both treatments and vaccines for the virus. Jacob Glanville from Distributed Bio is working on developing an antibody to… Read more Audio
Vodafone NZ's deep clean to protect staff from Covid-19
5:50 AM.In NZ, the focus is very much on stopping the spread of the virus - and preparing for the worst. While we're all having to take some personal responsibility - washing our hands and not touching our… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19 govt package should focus on jobs & business losses
5:33 AM.The Government is finalising a multi-billion dollar package to tackle to economic fall out of the coronavirus. The tougher travel restrictions, which came into force at 1 oclock this morning, are… Read more Audio
Fruit and Vege Report with Glenn Forsyth
5:23 AM.To the fruit and vege markets now with our Minister of Fruit and Vegetables, Glenn Forsyth.. Audio
For the love of wine, Sophie Parker-Thomson
5:12 AM.A Marlborough wine maker is about to become one of only a few hundred Masters of Wine in the world, and one of a handful in New Zealand. Sophie Parker-Thomson, who co-owns Blank Canvas Wines with her… Read more Audio
Europe ramps up Covid-19 response
5:06 AM.Reports out of Germany suggest it is to close borders alongside France, Switzerland and Austria, the Government is yet to officially announce any closures. Spain and France have entered states of mass… Read more Audio