9:35 PM.Country Life's Carol Stiles has been out sniffing for truffles. It was no surprise to learn Indi the truffle dog had a better nose! The cocker spaniel whizzed around 146 trees at a truffiere near… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:18 PM.A new family-owned boutique milk business is set to bring the clink of glass milk bottles back to Canterbury. James and Chloe Davidson have leased 24 hectares of council land near Darfield and have… Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.Dairy farmer and rugby coach Blair Mirfin chats to Cosmo Kentish-Barnes about club rugby on the Coast and who'll do well in Japan. Read moreAudio
9:12 PM.The West Coast had a good dollop or rain this week but generally there's been fine spring weather around the country which has got grass pulsing and helped lamb survival rates. With buds bursting on… Read moreAudio