9:36 PM.Adrian Ball used to crank as much milk out of his dairy farm as possible. The figures were a source of pride. Then 15 or so years ago he started thinking more about the environment and making changes… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:22 PM.Jo Jack is a keen woodworker and runs sign-making classes for woman in rural communities. She makes rustic wooden signs of all shapes and sizes and sells most of them via her Gingham Girls Facebook… Read moreAudio
9:12 PM.Former teacher Fleur Cutfield has a mobile menagerie on her lifestyle block that she takes to visit retirement villages, pre-schools and schools. Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:07 PM.Rain in Waikato has been just what the doctor ordered. Pasture is growing but moisture is really needed to wet up the subsoil. It has been another stunning week in Canterbury with warm and mostly dry… Read moreAudio