Country Life for Friday 13 May 2011
13 May 2011
9:05 Intro and Guest
Bay de Lautour has been farming for more than 50 years and has been involved in many industry organisations.
9:09 Regional Wrap
Grass has been shooting out of the ground in the North and South Islands thanks to warm and wet conditions.
9:14 Putting Kiwifruit to the Test
How do you know when kiwifruit are ready to be harvested? Before pickers are given the 'green light' to go into an orchard the fruit have to undergo a range of tests… Country Life's in a laboratory in the Bay of Plenty to watch the fruit being probed, squeezed, sliced, dried and weighed.
9:38 Ride and Rock
Cosmo Kentish-Barnes is off to Rangiora's 8 Second Rodeo. For those who love the sport it showcases the virtues they'd like to possess: courage, strength, athletic skill, character, and perseverance. Cosmo goes behind the scenes at the Rangiora racecourse to meet the cowboys, clowns and organisers of this popular annual event.
Mean bull seeks rider.