20 Nov 2013

Te Manu Korihi News for 20 November 2013

From Checkpoint, 6:47 pm on 20 November 2013

Te Roroa iwi in Te Tai Tokerau is feeling a sense of vindication that a Northland farmer who strongly campaigned against their Waitangi tribunal claims has been jailed for a raft of serious crimes; The Maori Affairs Minister, Pita Sharples, says he's totally devastated that none of the radio spectrum blocks are being given to tangata whenua; The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations says it's a matter of weeks before arbitration begins with iwi on the cash top-up clause; A large kapa haka group of Waikato-Tainui welcomed hundreds of visitors to the historic battle grounds of Rangiriri Pa today where British troops crushed Kingitanga forces 150 years ago; The Government has announced it will invest atleast 10-million dollars into the Murupara Area School in central Bay of Plenty.