There's no logic to today's tweaks to MIQ according to ACT leader David Seymour.
The government shortened managed isolation stays from 14 to to seven days in a government-run facility, followed by three days of home isolation and a negative test before being set free.
But the ACT leader says it simply does not make sense when Covid positive cases are being allowed to stay at home.
He said the government’s MIQ policies do not express its promise to govern on a wellbeing basis, which would weigh up the costs and benefits of human needs.
“I don't believe that the threat from somebody in a properly managed home isolation scheme with proper monitoring, with rapid antigen testing, with proper check-ins, is more dangerous than anything we're currently doing by allowing people to leave Auckland and say go to Christchurch…
“So it's all about weighing up all of the human needs, the costs and benefits. I don't think that it stacks up to tell people to continue to wait. And for people who think it's just about business, if you look at the cases we've had recently, of women who are expectant with their partners held off overseas, the woman who has been forced to isolate - missing the last days of her grandfather who to her was like a father's life…
“We simply aren't doing what the government originally practiced or promised, which was that they would govern on a wellbeing basis and weigh up all of the different costs and benefits and human needs when they make policy.”