30 Oct 2020

Referendum results: No to cannabis, yes to euthanasia

From Checkpoint, 5:07 pm on 30 October 2020

The results are nearly all in for the two referendums on voluntary euthanasia and cannabis.

Provisional results have been released and it's a big tick for the End of Life Choice Act - giving people with a terminal illness, who meet the criteria, the option of lawfully requesting help to die.

Sixty-five percent voted in support, with nearly 34 percent voting against. But New Zealanders have said "no" to legalising recreational cannabis - however campaigners are still holding out hope the referendum could still get over the line once special votes have been counted.

The "yes" vote was 46-percent, with 53-percent voting "no".

Also revealed today - the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern voted "yes" to both.

RNZ political editor, Jane Patterson, filed this report.