30 Sep 2019

West Auckland knickers in a twist over airing laundry in public

From Checkpoint, 5:40 pm on 30 September 2019

Residents of one of Auckland's newest communities are in a spin over their neighbours' laundry practices.

Several complaints have been made to the Hobsonville Point Residents Society over washing being hung up where it's visible from the road.

Some say it makes the new suburb unsightly, while others think those bothered by it need to ‘get a life’.

“It’s a really polarising thing, I mean we’ve got laundry-gate going on here in quite a ridiculous way,” society member Lindsey Dawson says.

Everyone living in the Hobsonville Point development has signed up to a set of rules which stipulate that permanent or temporary washing lines should not be visible from the street, and some residents don't like to see the rules being broken.

But Ms Dawson says it is understandable why people want to hang their washing up outside rather than using a clothes dryer.

“There’s this huge move towards sustainability now, and lots of people don’t want to be spending their dollars on electricity when there’s a nice breeze outside.

"So one can easily understand why they want to do that, especially if they’ve got families. If you’ve got three or four kids, the cost of putting washing through a dryer is considerable.”

But another Hobsonville Point local says she doesn’t like her undies being in public view.

“Hanging your bras and panties out – to me that’s a just a little bit too in your face.”

Ms Dawson says community members will be able to raise the issue at the residents society's annual general meeting on 13 October.

So far the washing wrangle has been taking place on social media, but Ms Dawson says she is confident it will be ironed out soon.