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Checkpoint for Wednesday 21 June 2023
Auckland port wins safety award after previous workplace deaths
6:06 PM.The company that's been in court over deaths and injuries suffered by workers on its watch, has won the NZ workplace health and Safety award for its collaboation with the Maritime Union it was… Read more Video, Audio
Swift's snub: Why is Taylor Swift missing NZ on her world tour?
5:54 PM.One of the biggest popstars on the planet appears to have shaken off Aotearoa. Early this morning Taylor Swift announced her latest tour will be heading to Sydney and Mebourne next February. But no… Read more Video, Audio
More foul smells in Bromley as Compost plant plagues residents
5:50 PM.School children and residents plagued by foul smells in their Christchurch suburb have let their emotions fly at a City Council meeting. The Bromley community, which was affected by a pong from a… Read more Audio
Māori leader says Oranga Tamariki should be dismantled
5:46 PM.National Urban Māori Authority chair Lady Tureiti Moxon has long campaigned for Oranga Tamariki to be dismantled saying its systemically broken. She spoke to Lisa Owen. [embed]… Read more Video, Audio
Political reaction to sexual misconduct in youth state care
5:42 PM.Multiple investigations have been launched into allegations of sexual misconduct towards children in Oranga Tamariki residences. Two staff have been removed, and the former Police Commissioner Mike… Read more Audio
Despair, frustration for Ruapehu businesses as RAL liquidates
5:36 PM.Optimism has turned to despair and frustration for businesses in the shadow of Mt Ruapehu, after creditors of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts yesterday failed to endorse a new ownership proposal. Instead RAL… Read more Video, Audio
Evening business for 21 June 2023
5:32 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. [embed] Video, Audio
PM on Michael Wood's resignation after more undeclared shares
5:25 PM.Returning to our earlier story, Michael Wood has resigned as a minister after it emerged he's got more shareholdings he didn't declare and which relate directly to ministerial posts he's held. Prime… Read more Video, Audio
Qatar football denies player used racial slur against All White
5:22 PM.The Qatar Football Association has denied the player at the centre of yesterday's abandoned game against the All Whites used a racial slur. The All Whites didn't return to the field for the second… Read more Video, Audio
'Serious & unnaceptable' behaviour by staff in youth care facility
5:12 PM.Two separate investigations are underway into alleged inappropriate sexual behaviour by Oranga Tamariki staff at their youth justice facilities. The child protection agency has described the behaviour… Read more Video, Audio
Gone by lunchtime: Wood resigns over more undeclared shares
5:07 PM.A "crushed" and "devastated" Michael Wood has resigned to a "frustrated" and "angry" Prime Minister. Michael Wood's fallen on his sword after he failed to declare his stakes in three more companies… Read more Audio