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Checkpoint for Wednesday 6 July 2022
Grocery Commissioner announced to oversee supermarkets
5:07 PM.Get ready for the new Grocery Commissioner. The new 'referee' the government's announced is designed to keep the supermarket industry in check.
With powers to issue warnings and dish out fines, the… Read more Audio
Consumer Affairs Minister on Grocery Commissioner role
5:10 PM.Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark has announced the new role of Grocery Commissioner to hold New Zealand's supermarket duopoly to account.
He discusses the details with Lisa Owen.
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Worker shortages hitting across sectors
5:15 PM.Employers are putting the heat on the government to help solve a major people-power problem.
Worker shortages appear to be stifling almost every sector and they're being blamed for business closures… Read more Audio
Schools anxious to know if NCEA help will apply in 2022
5:25 PM.Students and teachers hit with the double whammy of winter ills and Covid are anxious to know if they'll get any extra help to achieve NCEA this time round.
Attendance at some schools has been around… Read more Video, Audio
Evening business for 6 July 2022
5:30 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. [embed] Video, Audio
School-provided lunches needed more than ever as parents struggle with costs
5:34 PM.An Auckland school says 80 percent of its students are now asking for school-funded lunch, as parents struggle with the cost of feeding the family.
People in Māngere told Checkpoint they're relying… Read more Video, Audio
Jacinda Ardern in Sydney praising Albanese's leadership
5:42 PM.The Prime Minister's touched down in Sydney on the next leg of her Australian trip. Australia's PM has announced New Zealanders in New South Wales will be eligible for flood relief payments - which… Read more Video, Audio
Car pollution killing thousands of NZers each year - new data
5:45 PM.Car pollution is killing thousands of New Zealanders each year, according to new research. And it's costing the country billions of dollars.
The study is the first of its kind and measured the health… Read more Audio
Otago honey makers seek help finding honey thief
5:49 PM.A sticky-fingered thief has made off with pots and pots of clover honey from a stall with an honesty box near Roxburgh.
The woman helped herself at the roadside shop on State Highway 8 at Ettrick on… Read more Video, Audio
Ex-ACC worker appalled bully manager apparently promoted
5:52 PM.A former ACC employee who won a compensation case for being bullied on the job is appalled the manager responsible appears to have been promoted.
In a first, ACC must compensate a former worker for… Read more Video, Audio
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu launches electric jetboat
5:56 PM.Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is jetting towards a zero-carbon future - unveiling the world's first electric tourism jetboat in Queenstown this morning.
Tess Brunton went to have a look.
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