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Checkpoint for Tuesday 10 August 2021
Energy supply shortage a 'commercial decision' - Minister
5:07 PM.The Energy Minister is calling out the power companies, saying last night's rolling blackouts on one of the coldest nights of the year were entirely preventable.
Thousands of households were plunged… Read more Audio
'No system is perfect' - Transpower explains power outages
5:11 PM.Transpower has apologised over the electricity outages. The company's general manager of grid development John Clarke told Checkpoint no system is perfect, but he is assuring customers electricity… Read more Video, Audio
Power outages: Genesis CEO says Energy Minister scapegoating, but Woods has questions
5:16 PM.Energy Minister Megan Woods has blamed Monday's power cuts on commercial decisions made by electricity companies.
Thousands of New Zealanders were left in the dark on one of the coldest nights of the… Read more Video, Audio
Covid-19: 'Please explain' calls grow over ship at Tauranga port
5:28 PM.Pressure is mounting on authorities to explain what happened with the flip-flopping health advice given to workers at the Port of Tauranga.
More than 70 workers spent time on board the Rio de La… Read more Audio
Evening business for 10 August 2021
5:35 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. [embed] Video, Audio
'Without hesitation test the lot of them' - union calls for tighter rules at ports
5:39 PM.There's a call for crew onboard foreign ships to be tested for Covid-19 before they dock in New Zealand ports.
More than 90 workers at Tauranga port were originally stood down and told to get tested… Read more Video, Audio
Cycling NZ deeply saddened by death of Olivia Podmore
5:43 PM.Cycling New Zealand says it's deeply saddened by the death of Rio Olympic cyclist, Olivia Podmore, and denies it failed her.
The 24-year-old sprint cyclist died suddenly in Cambridge yesterday. She'd… Read more Video, Audio
Home detention for punching MMA fighter who later died
5:47 PM.A man who punched a young MMA fighter in the head, has been sentenced to six months' home detention.
Fau Vake later died and his friend has likened the sentence to a Covid-19 restriction - not… Read more Audio
National's factions strained over gay conversion therapy ban
5:51 PM.The National Party's liberal and conservative factions are strained as the party reckons with voting against a ban on gay conversion therapy.
National was the only political party that didn't support… Read more Audio
Labour weekend booze ban for Loch Laird campground
5:54 PM.A stopper's been placed on drunken teenage parties at a popular South Island camp ground - with a booze ban put in place.
Loch Laird, near Otematata, is a popular haunt for high school-aged students… Read more Audio
Woods denies scapegoating Genesis over power outages
6:07 PM.The Energy Minister's after a please explain after the lights went out for thousands of customers on Monday night, as there was not enough power to go around.
Households were plunged into darkness… Read more Video, Audio
Govt told power to fight climate change in its hands
6:14 PM.While personal choices matter the government is being told all the real power to fight climate change is in its hands.
And a young Wellington climate leader and city councillor says individuals'… Read more Audio
NZ Blood Service desperate for blood, plasma
6:18 PM.It's a code red for the NZ blood Service. About 30,000 people a year need the life saving gift of blood and plasma.
And the service needs more people to put their hands up and arms out to keep up… Read more Video, Audio