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Checkpoint for Wednesday 3 March 2021
Under-pressure port workers fear more fatalities on the job
5:07 PM.Workers at the Ports of Auckland say they fear they'll die on the job as pressures to clear freight are put above their safety.
They say urgent action is needed. An Auckland Council led safety review… Read more Video, Audio
Protesters occupy site, but Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei supports Erebus memorial
5:12 PM.Protesters are occupying the pa site of Mataharehare in the Auckland suburb of Parnell, despite the city being at Covid-19 alert level 3 restrictions.
Occupants have set up tents and erected signage… Read more Video, Audio
No new Covid-19 community cases - Wednesday latest details
5:18 PM.More than half of Aotearoa's border workers have received their first Covid-19 jab as well as some of their family members.
As of midnight Tuesday, nearly 9,500 people had been been vaccinated in New… Read more Audio
NZ Rugby CEO on postponed Women's Rugby World Cup
5:25 PM.The Women's Rugby World Cup, scheduled for Auckland and Whangārei this year, is set to be postponed due to Covid-19.
World Rugby says it's the right decision for teams and fans.
NZ Rugby chief… Read more Video, Audio
Evening business for 3 March 2021
5:36 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. [embed] Video, Audio
Health and Safety law 'not quite fit for purpose' - O'Riley discusses Covid-19 vaccine
5:40 PM.Bosses can ask but workers do not have to tell - that is the legal advice on whether employees have to disclose if they have had the Covid-19 jab or not.
MBIE has developed guidelines based on… Read more Video, Audio
White Ferns, Black Caps set to play without crowds
5:48 PM.The rolling impact of the latest Covid-19 alert levels has hit the country's cricket teams. Both the White Ferns and Black Caps are playing in Wellington tonight - but with no crowds.
Our sports… Read more Video, Audio
Tamakis under fire for fleeing Auckland as level 3 announced
5:51 PM.The leaders of Destiny Church are under fire from the Covid-19 Response Minister and the Maori Party after fleeing Auckland to hold a church service in Rotorua in a bid to avoid the city's alert level… Read more Audio
Travelling Aucklanders urged to keep level 3 rules with them
5:55 PM.Aucklanders who beat lockdown and hightailed it to other parts of the North Island are being urged to keep Covid-19 alert level 3 with them.
Thousands left the city in between the lockdown being… Read more Audio
Women's Rugby World Cup postponement hits hard
6:08 PM.2021 was touted as being the "golden year" for women's rugby. Back-to-back major international tournaments with the Olympics, to be followed by the first women's Rugby World Cup to be held in the… Read more Audio
Govt declines National's, Greens' call for Covid-19 support pay
6:12 PM.The government has poured cold water over calls to pay 100 percent of a person's wages for two weeks if they have been told to self-isolate.
Two cases linked to the recent Valentines Day outbreak… Read more Audio
Elderly should be next in line for Covid-19 vaccine - advocate
6:15 PM.More than 9,000 frontline border workers have received the Covid-19 jab, and their families are next on the list.
A retirement village resident says older people should come straight after that.
… Read more Audio
Australia's Attorney-General denies historic rape allegations
6:20 PM.Australia's attorney general, Christian Porter, has revealed himself to be the minister accused of an historic rape allegation from three decades ago.
An anonymous letter was sent to several members… Read more Audio