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Checkpoint for Friday 1 June 2018
South Auckland residents shocked fuel tax passed vote
6:22 PM.South Auckland residents say they are shocked and disappointed at Auckland Council's decision to introduce an 11.5 cent per litre fuel tax from July to fund transport projects. Video, Audio
What happens to M bovis meat and where does it go?
6:13 PM.ANZCO chief executive Peter Conley explains what happens to cattle infected with Mycoplasma bovis, including how they end up in the food chain just as all the other cows processed for meat do. Video, Audio
Cows hit the road as sharemilkers fret on 'Gypsy Day'
6:09 PM.Thousands of cows are on the move today as sharemilkers relocate their herds for the winter months as part of gypsy day. Conan Young travelled to mid-Canterbury to talk to farmers during their busiest… Read more Video, Audio
Nelson now among top three cities for homelessness in NZ
5:55 PM.A Nelson-based men's support and advocacy service says homelessness in Nelson is increasing as fast as it is in Wellington and Auckland. Tracy Neal reports. Video, Audio
Top cycling coach investigated over bullying claims
5:48 PM.High Performance Sport NZ CEO Michael Scott promises to "move swiftly" with his organisation's investigation into an alleged inappropriate relationship and bullying from departed Cycling NZ coach… Read more Audio
Woman fired while trying to prove bullying at Tauranga Hospital
5:44 PM.Ana Shaw says she endured four years of feeling belittled, bullied and ignored by management at the hospital, run by the Bay of Plenty DHB. Audio
Locals storm out after Craggy Range Te Mata Peak agreement
5:40 PM.Ngāti Kahungunu and Craggy Range Winery announced yesterday they would close the existing, controversial track, and build a new one that will protect areas of cultural significance. Video, Audio
Evening business for Friday 1 June
5:33 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
$46 million for Northland - housing, transport, jobs
5:27 PM.The government has announced it will spend $46 million on Northland projects, including on job creation, forestry, housing and $7m for Whangarei's Hundertwasser gallery Video, Audio
'There's a lesson in this' - PMs science advisor on meth evictions
5:23 PM.The prime minister's chief scientist Sir Peter Gluckman talks to John Campbell about the “faulty logic” that informed New Zealand’s methamphetamine testing standard, and why the country needs to do… Read more Video, Audio
Greens call on Paula Bennett to apologise for meth evictions
5:18 PM.Housing Minister Phil Twyford says he's saying sorry to HNZ tenants evicted for methamphetamine contamination, because National is too gutless to do so. Audio
Man still repaying debt from unnecessary HNZ meth eviction
5:09 PM.Robert Erueti is still paying MSD back for emergency accommodation he ended up in after being evicted from his HNZ home over a 0.59 reading of methamphetamine - a reading now scientifically… Read more Video, Audio