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Checkpoint for Tuesday 14 November 2017
RNZ Checkpoint with John Campbell, Tuesday 14th November 2017
5:00 PM.Watch Tuesday's full programme here. Video
People smugglers see new Govt as easy target - reports
5:08 PM.Australian authorities have intercepted four boats bound for New Zealand, run by people smugglers emboldened by the change of government, according to media reports. Jane Patterson reports. Audio
Don't take them - warning from a former Manus Island guard
5:12 PM.A New Zealand man who worked at the Manus Island refugee detention facility is warning the government against taking any refugees, saying the ones still at the centre are dangerous men. Read more Video, Audio
Govt unsure of details on scrapping of benefit sanction
5:22 PM.The government will scrap the sanction on beneficiaries who don't name the father of their child, but questions of how, when and how much will it cost are still very much up in the air. Carmel… Read more Video, Audio
Two days, $2 million - Dunedin chocolate crowd-funding success
5:29 PM.A Pledge Me project to buy out the boutique chocolatier Otago Chocolate company, or Ocho, has hit the $2million mark despite only launching yesterday morning. Video, Audio
Govt against parents simultaneously taking paid parental leave
5:35 PM.The National Party is accusing Labour of being dogmatic in its refusal to allow both parents of a child the option to take paid parental leave at the same time. Audio
Evening business for Tues 14 Nov
5:37 PM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Auckland sinkhole may force some businesses to close
5:41 PM.Heavy rain in March formed a football-field-sized sinkhole in New Lynn, and some small businesses affected by the ongoing repairs say they're struggling to survive. Video, Audio
Chinese website targets foreign buyers
5:45 PM.A large online Chinese real estate website is launching a marketing campaign to help foreign buyers get a foot on the property ladder before they're shut out. Audio
Kaikoura locals still struggling one year on from 7.8 quake
5:48 PM.Kaikoura locals have gathered for a picnic to mark one year since the magnitude 7.8 earthquake, and reflect on the impact it's had on their lives. One local shares their story with Maja Burry. Video, Audio
Breakers owners put basketball club on the block
5:55 PM.Paul and Liz Blackwell are selling their controlling stake in the Australian Basketball franchise to help the organisation grow commercially. Audio
Accepting refugee families 'an advantage to NZ'
6:08 PM.Zahra Sarwari, one of the 131 refugees let into New Zealand after the 2001 Tampa Affair, says refugee families work hard and benefit the country when they get here. Video, Audio
Kaikoura earthquake - one year on
6:17 PM.Kaikoura volunteer fire brigade chief officer Ian Walker talks to Maja Burry about rescuing people from under broken buildings, and the dozens of call-outs in the days following the 7.8 quake. Video, Audio
Ngāpuhi claim to be kick started
6:20 PM.Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little is meeting with Tūhoronuku and Te Kotahitanga on Friday to try and help repair negotiations to settle Ngāpuhi's treaty claim. Audio
Ward gathers to remember and to look ahead
6:23 PM.Members of the Ward community in South Marlborough packed out St Peters Chapel in the township for a special service to remember events of a year ago. Tracy Neal reports. Video, Audio