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Checkpoint for Thursday 5 November 2015
Today in Parliament for 5 November 2015
6:50 PM.Bowen House evacuated due to a fire in neighbouring building; Petition calling on phase-out of plastic shopping bags presented to Local Government and Environment Committee; Opposition raises concerns… Read more Audio
Fears that DRS couldn't track pink ball allayed
6:45 PM.Fears that test cricket's technology wouldn't pick up the pink ball in the upcoming historic day-night test between New Zealand and Australia in Adelaide have been allayed. Audio
Abuse inquiry told of school counsellor in a soundproof room
6:44 PM.To Australia, and disturbing revelations about a school counsellor in a soundproofed room and how elite schools ignored boys' claims he was abusing them. Audio
Superbugs and antibacterial handwash
6:40 PM.Is there a link between the increasing use of antibacterial soaps and wet-wipes, and the rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs? Audio
First-ever meeting of the leaders of China and Taiwan
6:35 PM.An historic first-ever meeting of the leaders of China and Taiwan is to take place this weekend. Audio
A bee and the royal crotch
6:28 PM.Prince Charles has had a brush with a bee whilst clutching a tuatara at a conservation sanctuary near Dunedin this afternoon. Audio
Pacific running dry even before El Niño bites
6:23 PM.Water's running short and crops are failing for more than a million people across the Pacific, and that's even before El Niño delivers the expected long, tough drought season. Audio
Train guard talked through giving CPR to save woman
6:18 PM.A 111 calltaker has talked a train guard through carrying out CPR on an elderly passenger who collapsed this afternoon, and in doing so saved the woman's life. [Petone, Wellington train, CPR… Read more Audio
Bomb likely cause of Russian plane crash
6:14 PM.British and US authorities say evidence suggests that a bomb is the likely cause of last weekend's crash of a Russian airliner over Egypt's Sinai peninsula. Audio
Lochinver station sold to NZ buyer
6:12 PM.One of the country's largest farms, Lochinver Station, has been sold to New Zealand buyers. Audio
Action demanded over 'obscene' drug prices
5:50 PM.A New Zealand leader in the global search for drugs to cure cancer says it's unacceptable that the prices for new drugs are so sky high. Read more Audio
Who's dumping rubbish in Ashburton
5:47 PM.People living in Ashburton are fed up with out-of-towners dumping rubbish outside their homes and schools. Audio
Tourist trampers warned not to rely on virtual tours, photos
5:45 PM.New Zealand's biggest tramping group is warning tourists not to rely on what they've seen on virtual tours and photos, before heading out on the trail. Audio
Greens grill minister over SIS failures
5:42 PM.The Minister responsible for spy agencies says he won't be drawn into a witch hunt over their failings. Audio
Man found guilty of murder after fight over liquor
5:40 PM.Ben Bosch Herkt was angry after being punched in the face during a drunken fight. Audio
Changes to discourage people turning down social housing
5:35 PM.The Social Housing Minister says too many people are turning down state houses for reasons such as the garage is too small, and that is locking out hundreds of others who need decent housing. Audio
Today's market update
5:32 PM.Fuel retailer Z Energy's first-half net profit has more than tripled, driven by strong refining margins, improved retail margins and constrained expenses. Audio
Warner whacking Black Caps in First test
5:28 PM.David Warner is proving true to his word, the opening batsman sticking it to the Black Caps in the opening session of today's first test. Audio
Ron Mark accused of racism
5:25 PM.New Zealand First's deputy leader, Ron Mark, is being accused of racism for telling an MP to go back home to Korea during a Parliamentary debate. Audio
Royal couple head south to Dunedin
5:23 PM.The Royal couple left the North Island flying south to Dunedin today to be greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of about two thousand Otago fans. Audio
Hometown rugby heroes lead 13-ute parade
5:20 PM.Hometown heroes Richie McCaw and Dan Carter have led their team, stacked into 13 utes, through an adoring throng in Christchurch today. Audio
US aviation lawyer says they'll be more attacks
5:15 PM.And a former inspector general of the US Transportation Department warns that if this was a bomb on board then people could expect more terrorist attacks. Audio
The hunt for a sword wielding attacker
5:08 PM.Police are hunting for a sword wielding attacker who's left a woman with serious injuries. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Thursday 5 November 2015
5:00 PM.The hunt for a sword wielding attacker;US aviation lawyer says they'll be more attacks;Hometown rugby heroes lead 13-ute parade;Royal couple head south for the day, greeted by crowd of about two… Read more Audio