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Checkpoint for Tuesday 3 March 2015
US struggles with Bosnian war criminal migrants
6:52 PM.The United States is struggling to deal with the legacy of its own slack checking of Bosnian immigrants that seems to have let scores of war criminals into the country. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 3 March 2015
6:49 PM.A youth law advocacy group is questioning how much influence a dozen new Maori inspectors will have to help reduce the prosecution rate for Maori, who are over represented in the justice system… Read more Audio
EQC picks holes in case against it
6:45 PM.A lawyer for the Earthquake Commission has told the High Court there are major holes in the case brought by a Christchurch couple to have their home rebuilt. Audio
Opposition parties want pay reined in for public sector CEs
6:42 PM.Opposition parties are calling on the Government to rein in pay increases for public sector chief executives as well as for MPs. Audio
Woman whose father was a victim speaks out on foreign drivers
6:40 PM.Snatching tourists' car keys - John Key is saying don't do it, and the police hint they might charge you if you do. Audio
Netanyahu due to speak to US congress
6:34 PM.On the eve of a landmark speech to the US Congress, the Israeli prime minister has declared that a US-Iran deal on curtailing Tehran's nuclear ambitions "could threaten the survival of Israel." Audio
Teina Pora to find out result of Privy Council appeal tonight
6:25 PM.Teina Pora will find out the result of his appeal bid to the Privy Council in London tonight. Audio
Landmark respite care ruling
6:20 PM.The woman who's won a landmark Employment Court ruling, paving the way for tens of thousands of respite care workers to be paid the minimum wage says it's a relief to see the explotation of women… Read more Audio
Prime Minister gets into the row over people grabbing car keys
6:12 PM.The Prime Minister is telling people not to grab tourists' car keys and instead call the police, or something 'terrible' might happen - but a Dunedin man's responded by saying he would do it again. Audio
Tensions over Israeli Prime Minister's speech in US
5:55 PM.On the eve of a landmark speech to the US Congress, the Israeli prime minister has declared that a US-Iran deal on curtailing Tehran's nuclear ambitions "could threaten the survival of Israel." Audio
Maori inspector serious about change
5:50 PM.One of the country's new Maori inspectors says the police are serious about addressing the problem of tangata whenua and Pasifika people being over-represented in prosecution rate figures. Audio
Tony Abbott is sending 300 more troops to Iraq
5:48 PM.Australia is significantly increasing its contingent of troops training local forces in Iraq. Audio
Scientist says central nervous sytem tissue found in shirt
5:44 PM.A Dutch scientist has told a jury there's a better than even chance that DNA from Mark Lundy's shirt contained central nervous system tissue. Audio
Aunty says there should be a conviction
5:40 PM.The aunty of a boy who was runover in a driveway by his great-uncle says there should have been a conviction. Audio
Evening Business for 3 March 2015
5:36 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Recycling truck driver stuck in hydraulics
5:28 PM.Envirowaste say it's mystified about how one of its drivers got stuck in the hydraulics of a glass recycling truck in Wellington this morning, but they won't be taking their trucks off the road. Audio
Life sentence of grief for driveway death family
5:26 PM.A man who was discharged without conviction for running over his great-nephew says it doesn't matter what sentence he was given, as he's already serving a life sentence filled with grief. Audio
Fuel racket thief warned for trying to manipulate court
5:22 PM.A man who stole thirty thousand litres of fuel to sell at his own Dunedin service station has been warned he will imprisoned unless he comes up with 38 thousand dollars for his victim. Audio
Labour wants Revenue Minister to front on IT system costs
5:20 PM.Labour is challenging the Revenue Minister to explain how the IT costs for a new child support payment system have ballooned from $30 million to $163 million in just four years. Audio
A father's search for his son who was burnt to death
5:17 PM.Shalvin Prasad's father has told a court how he searched around Auckland in vain just hours before his son's burnt body was discovered in a patch of scrub. Audio
A landmark decision on pay for respite carers
5:14 PM.Tens of thousands of aged care respite workers have won the right to the minimum wage and holidays in a landmark ruling by the Employment Court. Audio
Dunedin driver says he'll take keys off tourist drivers again
5:11 PM.Robert Penman and his wife Trish came around a corner in an 80 k zone on the Otago Peninsula at the weekend to find two Asian tourists parked in the middle of the road so they could get out and take… Read more Audio
Don't take car keys, says PM, I'd do it again, says man
5:08 PM.John Key has waded into the row over people grabbing tourists' car keys, saying don't do it - but a Dunedin man's replied saying he had no choice and would do it again. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Tuesday 3 March 2015
5:00 PM.Don't take car keys, says PM, I'd do it again, says man, A landmark decision on pay for respite carers, Labour wants Revenue Minister to front on IT system costs, Fuel racket thief warned for trying… Read more Audio