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Checkpoint for Friday 10 October 2014
Te Manu Korihi for 10 October 2014
6:55 PM.Te Wananga o Aotearoa's chief executive says he understands there will be apprehension among staff about its restructure; The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has voted unanimously to adopt a Maori… Read more Audio
Focus on Politics for 10 October 2014
6:40 PM.The Government's Ministers are now sworn in and the 51st Parliament will kick off in just over a week. Audio
Study shows signs of life after death
6:20 PM.Scientists claim they have the first hard evidence of a patient hearing resuscitation instructions while he was dead. Audio
Pastor's son tells of father's sexual gives evidence
6:15 PM.An Australian church leader has revealed a sex abuse investigation in New Zealand substantiated accusations he'd already heard of mulitiple offences against boys by his late father. Audio
Thomas Duncan's family say they've been osctracised
6:12 PM.In the United States the relatives of Ebola victim Thomas Duncan say they've been ostracised because of their relationship with him. Audio
Te Manu Korihi for 10 October 2014
5:52 PM.Te Wananga o Aotearoa's chief executive says he understands there will be apprehension among staff about its restructure; The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has voted unanimously to adopt a Maori… Read more Audio
High country sheep saved from kea attacks
5:48 PM.High country sheep have been saved from being eaten alive by kea. Kea strikes - which happen when the native bird digs its beak into the wool, eating it, the fat and the flesh - have long been a… Read more Audio
A driveway argument that led to the death of a man
5:45 PM.An argument over a shared driveway has ended with one man shot dead and his neighbour behind bars for two years. Audio
Hospitals ready to manage ebola if it were to arrive
5:42 PM.Major hospitals have special units and the equipment ready to manage Ebola if it reaches New Zealand. Audio
Sheet of paper leads to crashed helicopter
5:37 PM.A loose sheet of paper stuck in a tree has led searchers to a crashed helicopter after four days scouring rugged terrain and thick bush at the top of the South Island. Audio
Markets Update for 10 October 2014
5:35 PM.The New Zealand dollar fell more than a US cent overnight, after the International Monetary Fund indicated the global economic recovery is weak and uneven. The sharemarket fell more than… Read more Audio
IMF and World Bank grapple with slow growth and Ebola
5:25 PM.Slow economic growth, the Ebola outbreak, and war. These are just some of the problems that finance ministers and policy makers will grapple at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund… Read more Audio
Health Minister meets debt-riddled DHB
5:20 PM.The Prime Minister is promising more money for the debt-riddled Southern DHB, saying the people of Otago are at the 'top of the list' for his new Health Minister. Audio
Man who shot dead his neighbour is jailed
5:15 PM.An argument over a shared driveway has ended with one man shot dead and his neighbour behind bars. Audio
NZ warned not to be complacent about Ebola
5:10 PM.New Zealand's being warned not to be complacent about the threat of Ebola. The World Health Organisation says Ebola is now entrenched in the capital cities of all three worst effected countries -… Read more Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Friday 10 October 2014
5:00 PM.NZ warned not to be complacent about Ebola;Man who shot dead his neighbour is jailed;Health Minister meets debt-riddled DHB;IMF and World Bank grapple with slow growth and Ebola;Sheet of paper leads… Read more Audio