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Checkpoint for Friday 20 June 2014
Te Manu Korihi News for 20 June 2014
6:53 PM.Ngati Hine members are rallying to oust three people elected to represent them in Treaty negotiations; The Ngapuhi kuia and Tuhoronuku advocate, Titewhai Harawira, says Ngati Hine has tried to bribe… Read more Audio
Sports News for 20 June 2014
6:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Spiders found to prey fish more than twice their size
6:28 PM.Every continent except Antarctica is home to spiders they prey on fish more than twice their size. Audio
Call for more funding for school health services
6:23 PM.Some principals are calling for school health services to get more money. Audio
Warmer winter and lack of snow
6:18 PM.Weather scientists says it's going to be a mild winter and that may bring heartache for skiers. Audio
Farmers rally behind dam in Waipukurau
5:56 PM.Hundreds of farmers on tractors, trucks and spreaders have paraded through Waipukurau's main street to back a controversial dam as it approaches d-day. Audio
Fears over security of votes cast in NZ for Fiji elections
5:53 PM.Leaders of New Zealand's Fiji community are calling on Frank Bainimarama's Government to come clean about the voting in the country's first general election since his military coup in 2006. Audio
Govt accused of spinning figures on asset sales
5:51 PM.The Government's been accused of spinning the figures and trying to deceive the public over the true cost of its asset sales programme. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 20 June 2014
5:47 PM.Ngati Hine members are rallying to oust three people elected to represent them in Treaty negotiations; The Ngapuhi kuia and Tuhoronuku supporter, Titewhai Harawira, says Ngati Hine has tried to bribe… Read more Audio
President Obama says US ready for targeted action against
5:43 PM.The US is sending up to three-hundred military advisers to Iraq will help the Baghdad government battle Sunni militants. Audio
CYF 'devastated' at its caregiver raping girls
5:37 PM.Northland man Taite Kupa is beginning a long jail term tonight for raping and assaulting children in his care at the CYF home in Whangarei he ran with his wife. Audio
Focus on Politics for 20 June 2014
5:37 PM.This week the Labour Party announced the details of its compulsory KiwiSaver policy. But that is not what dominated the news. Instead Labour's leader David Cunliffe had to spend the week defending… Read more Audio
Sports News for 20 June 2014
5:34 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Evening Business for 20 June 2014
5:26 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Pilot drops food and water to transtasman kayaker
5:24 PM.A Taupo pilot has dropped food and water from his plane to a kayaker battling waves and running out of supplies in the Tasman Sea. Audio
Feeling is people won't be happy with rates increase
5:21 PM.Repeated flooding in parts of Christchurch look likely to push the city's rates up significantly. Audio
Study finds second-hand smoke drifting inside restaurants
5:20 PM.Those heading out for dinner or to the pub might want to reconsider sitting by a window tonight. Audio
Man found dead in West Auckland house fire
5:19 PM.Emergency services are investigating a fire at a West Auckland home, where a dead man was found. Audio
Iraq crisis blamed for petrol price hikes
5:16 PM.Fuel costs have jumped at petrol stations around the country, with fuel companies blaming the Iraq crisis for the rise. Audio
Iraq dominates Key's discussions with John Kerry
5:13 PM.The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, says there's no need to ask for New Zealand's moral support for its actions in Iraq, because it knows it has its backing. Audio
CYF caregiver jailed for raping foster girls in his care
5:08 PM.A Northland man approved by Child Youth and Family to run a home with his wife has been sent to prison today for raping and assaulting the children in his care. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Friday 20 June 2014
5:00 PM.CYF caregiver jailed for raping foster girls in his care, Iraq dominates Key's discussions with John Kerry, Iraq crisis blamed for petrol price hikes, Man found dead in West Auckland house fire and… Read more Audio