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Checkpoint for Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exploratory submarine crushed
6:54 PM.One of the earth's deepest ocean trenches, five times deeper than the Grand Canyon has crushed an eight million dollar exploratory submarine off the coast of New Zealand. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 13 May 2014
6:50 PM.The Vanguard Military School in Auckland says its Maori students are responding well to the school kaupapa and their achievement rates are improving; A contender for Labour's Tamaki Makaurau… Read more Audio
Melting glaciers unstoppable
6:46 PM.Melting glaciers in West Antarctica could raise sea levels by six metres over hundreds of years and a new report says nothing can be done to stop it. Audio
Sports groups struggle to keep children safe
6:43 PM.Groups running sports and culture activities for children say they're facing a constant struggle to create and update policies to keep those in their care safe. Audio
Mums and their wine become focus of Auckland alcohol debate
6:39 PM.A group of Auckland councillors has failed in an early bid to let supermarkets sell beer and wine from seven in the morning under contentious new plans. Audio
Dotcom's legal team is using the Official Information Act
6:36 PM.Lawyers for internet mogul Kim Dotcom are asking the courts to act as Ombudsman in their bid to wrest information off the Government and its departments. Audio
Sports News for 13 May 2014
6:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Actors' agent optimistic
6:26 PM.Graham Dunster represents 250 actors through his agency, Auckland Actors. Audio
Company buyout good news for local tv and filmmakers.
6:23 PM.The billion dollar sale of the companies behind the TV show Shortland Street to two multinationals could mean local actors and other workers getting more exposure overseas. Audio
Al Jazeera's correspondent in Kiev
6:19 PM.Pro-Russia separatists are declaring independence for Donetsk and Luhansk, while a man Kiev believes is a Russian colonel has declared himself military commander of the self-styled Donetsk people's… Read more Audio
Test case over flood insurance
6:12 PM.In a first off for the High Court, it's being asked to approve how claims for damage to flood-prone land in Canterbury are settled. Audio
Dunedin council dumps oil investments
6:09 PM.The Dunedin city council has voted to dump about two million dollars worth of investments in the oil industry because of global climate change. Audio
Whangarei people fed up with dust hazard
5:52 PM.Rural Whangarei people fed up with the dust hazard caused by log trucks on gravel roads - have vented their anger today at a council meeting. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 13 May 2014
5:50 PM.A contender for Labour's Tamaki Makaurau candidancy, Will Flavell, is disappointed he won't be competing against the broadcaster Shane Taurima for the party's selection; The Vanguard Military School… Read more Audio
Woman charged for drugs in Bali
5:47 PM.The New Zealander Leeza Ormsby held in Bali after a drug raid earlier this year has learned more about what charges she might face. Audio
Pathologist disputes that balloon pilot smoked joint
5:43 PM.A pathologist has told an inquest that tests don't support the view that a balloon pilot was smoking cannabis shortly before taking the flight that killed him and his 10 passengers. Audio
Transport Agency on local road funding cuts
5:39 PM.More now on the money going to local roads, and the cuts looming in the South Island to Government funding. Audio
Smith rejects renewed calls for more info
5:36 PM.The Housing Minister has rejected renewed calls for the Government to investigate how much foreign buyers might be driving up the price of houses in Auckland. Audio
Sports News for 13 May 2014
5:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Mother of dead man says killer has accepted responsibility
5:28 PM.A Greymouth woman who's son was killed in a drink driving crash says she's accepted an apology from the man responsible because he's owned up to what he's done. Audio
Evening Business for 13 May 2014
5:25 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Logging company described as a cowboy operation
5:16 PM.A logging company that breached numerous health and safety rules that led to a young worker being killed has been described as a cowboy operation. Audio
Millions in cuts to South Island road funding loom
5:10 PM.Cuts of millions of dollars are looming in the amount of Government money going to repair and extend roads in the South Island. Audio
Attack on Collins from Peters in Parliament a damp squib
5:07 PM.Winston Peters had said Judith Collins would be 'gone by Monday' with information he was going to release this week. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Tuesday 13 May 2014
5:00 PM.The renewed attack on Judith Collins turns out to be a damp squib. An inquest hears a logging company described as a cowboy operation and mother of dead man says killer has accepted responsibility. Audio